Are carrots truly good for our eyes? Learn the truth | Aker Kasten Eye

Are carrots truly good for our eyes? Learn the truth

Posted by: Aker Kasten Eye Center in Eye Care on October 30, 2016

eye nutritionWe’ve all heard plenty of stories about foods and beverages that can positively affect our health, some true, some not. Probably the most famous healthy vision food story is about carrots, with their connection to our vision quite well known.

Most of us heard from the time we were little that we should eat our carrots because they’re good for our eyes. But as grown-ups we might wonder if there’s any truth to that old principle.

The truth about carrots (and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables)
They actually do promote eye health and can help to protect our vision. That’s because orange fruits and vegetables contain a type of vitamin A, Beta-carotene, that doesn’t just give these foods their orange color, but also helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function.

Eat for your eyesight
There’s more to eating your way to healthy eyes than consuming carrots, however, because several other vitamins and minerals are essential. If they aren’t as well known to you as carrots, here’s the list of five food types that you need to see your way clear to adding to your grocery cart and your diet:

  • Leafy green vegetables

Anti-oxidants in eggs have been shown in studies to lower to risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

  • Eggs

The yolk is the source of anti-oxidants in eggs, which can help reduce your risk of macular degeneration.

  • Almonds

They’re filled with vitamin E, which research shows can slow macular degeneration.

  • Citrus fruit and berries

Both of these kinds of fruit contain a lot of vitamin C, also shown to help reduce macular degeneration risk, as well as cataracts.

  • Fish

Not just any fish, but the “fatty” kind (tuna, salmon, anchovies, trout, mackerel), contains DHA, an important fatty acid found in your retina. Low levels have been linked to dry eye syndrome.

Good vision calls for good care
Eat nutritiously, wear sunglasses and see your eye doctor annually so that problems with your vision can be caught when they’re the most treatable. Make your appointment today: (561) 338-7722.